Stay Warm With These Indoor Activities in Baltimore
When the weather outside is frightful, you can bundle up and face the elements or you can take advantage of all the awesome indoor activities in Baltimore. For those times when you’d prefer to stay in while going out, consider these out-of-the-ordinary indoor activities in Baltimore.
The Rawlings Conservatory is an architectural standout in Baltimore and has been since 1888. Five distinct greenhouse rooms offer year-round interest–not to mention the feel of the tropics right in the city. The Conservatory’s website details what makes it one of the most outdoorsy of indoor activities in Baltimore:
The Rawlings Conservatory greenhouses are in distinct climates that allow for the display of plants from all over the world. The Conservatory introduces the world’s flora to visitors who may experience the plants in conditions close to their natural environments.
The mild Mediterranean greenhouse replicates the dry summers and foggy winters of the Mediterranean basin and southern California. The Tropical Forest greenhouse displays plants that originate in the tropics, including those native to parts of Africa, Asia, the Americas, Australia, and some tropical islands. The Desert greenhouse showcases plants that can endure the harsh, windy, and arid conditions of the desert where daytime temperatures can climb as high as 125 degrees Fahrenheit and fall as low as 10 degrees at night, with little rainfall. The Orchid Room features the largest of all the plant groups, which includes over 30,000 species and more than 100,000 registered hybrids. The Palm House grants the visitor an opportunity to return to the Victorian era.
The National Aquarium in Baltimore, with its sister aquarium in Washington D.C., holds the honor of being the nation’s first aquarium. The Aquarium offers visitors the chance to experience the wonders of the seas, rivers, and more all as one of the top-rated indoor activities in Baltimore. Located on Baltimore’s famous Inner Harbor, the Aquarium can literally be a harbor from the storm when the weather turns cold. You can enjoy Baltimore’s iconic harbor without having to step outside.
The Aquarium’s website detials what you’ll find there:
The National Aquarium, Baltimore, features a living collection of more than 17,000 fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and marine mammals living in award-winning habitats. In summer 2013, the Aquarium opened Blacktip Reef, a breathtaking exhibit replicating an Indo-Pacific reef and featuring more than 700 animals, including a school of blacktip reef sharks.
Located in the heart of Inner Harbor, the National Aquarium, Baltimore, is home to close to 20,000 animals and more than 700 species.
Another option for really making the most of this most aquatic of indoor activities in Balitimore is to go behind the scenes with one of the Immersion Tours. Expert guides give you an insider’s view when you choose one of these many specialty tours: Daily Behind the Scenes, Guest Diver, Dolphin Explorer, Sleepover With the Sharks, Dolphin Sleepover, Sharks Behind-the-Scenes, Veterinarian Tour, Dolphin Encounter, Legend of Calypso’s Gold, Icky, Creepy, Slimy, Cool, Insider’s Tour.
Another historic structure, the city’s Senator Theatre offers a variety of indoor activities in Baltimore centered on film and performance. This is no ordinary theater, though. In 2014 The Senator was named one of the top 20 movie theater in the world. It’s one of the theaters that hosts the MET Opera: Live in HD and Saturday morning discounted repertory screenings for families. After undergoing restoration and expansion, The Senator has several compelling features in its four theatres.
Whichever indoor activities you choose in Baltimore, we hope you’ll book The Wayside Inn for comfortable evenings and bright morning starts. Click here to check availability. Click here to download our vacation guide.